Lady Allegedly Beheaded In Hotel Room In Delta State

 Sophia who was allegedly beheaded in a hotel room in Ozoro community of the state is said to be a popular socialite in the student community.


Adegor Rukevwe Sophia

A Nigerian lady, Adegor Rukevwe Sophia has reportedly been killed in a hotel room in Delta state.

Sophia who was allegedly beheaded in a hotel room in Ozoro community of the state, is said to be a popular socialite in the student community.

Facebook user, Akpomedawaro Ike who penned down a tribute to her wrote;

''Lord have mercy. A young lady was allegedly murdered in an Ozoro hotel and her head cut off. Said to be a socialite of the student community, she was identified simply as Late Miss Adegor Rukevwe Sophia.

May her soul Rest In Peace. Ozoro mourns''.




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