Russia renames Godless Street after Donald Trump

The Russian town of Ryazan has a duty to deliver to themselves and the Americans : They have opted to rename the Godless Street after the American President - elect Donald Trump.
The name “ Godless” was given to the street during the years of Communism when religion was rejected .
As reported by the CNN , the Russian man at the centre of the renaming , 34 - year - old Sergey Bizyukin , has launched a petition to rename the little alley into “ Donald Trump Street ” in honour of the US President -elect , saying almost 300 people had already signed.
“ Some saw it as a joke and signed because it was fun , some stood for normalization of US - Russia ties, and some signed because they don ’ t like the name of Godless Street , ” Bizyukin said .
Ryazan is about 125 miles southeast of Moscow on the Oka River and has a population of 500 , 000 . Its major industries are electronics and oil refining .
Bizyukin acknowledges that his petition is less about Trump himself and more about using Trump ’ s popularity in Russia to advocate for change in US - Russian relations .
He says he feels the US is often unfairly portrayed as a threat to Russia , but that the people in Ryazan and elsewhere have a much more positive attitude .
“ There are enough options for cooperation , for friendship , for economic cooperation , as well as culture and other fields , ” he says .
The petition has borrowed from Trump ’ s presidential election campaign , with Bizyukin giving it the slogan “ Make Ryazan Great Again . ”
Many in Ryazan say they believe that a Trump administration will foster ties with Russia , building on a good personal relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President - elect Trump.
“ They have good ties, ” one man said . “ Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin respects Donald Trump exactly the same way Donald Trump respects Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin . ”
Another spoke of his admiration for Trump .
“ He ’ s positive, good , ” he said . “ I think they will be friends and everything will be fine . I like Trump. I like his family , his ties with children , wife — all of that . He does not want to go to war , he wants to make friends . What ’ s bad about it?”
But the positive feelings about the incoming US president do not necessarily mean people in Ryazan want to name a street after him .
“ I don ’ t think it makes sense to rename it, ” one man said . “ What ’ s going to change ?”
Another added: “It could be a sign of respect to Trump , that ’ s all. But we shouldn ’ t do it now, maybe later . But it won ’ t make much difference , just to show respect . ”
The petition to rename Godless Street into Donald Trump Street faces another obstacle .
Ryazan ’ s city council says streets cannot be named after people who are still alive . But Sergey Bizyukin says even if the petition fails, that won ’ t discourage him .
He believes simply launching it has already caused many in Ryazan to debate ways to improve relations with America .

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