Pay outstanding stipends, ex-millitants tell FG

The Ijaw Youth Council on Wednesday called on the Federal Government to pay the backlog of stipends owed ex-militants.
The council’s spokesman, Mr. Eric Omare, made the call in a statement made available to newsmen in Warri, Delta State.
Omare said, “Niger Delta ex-militants under the amnesty programme are being owed five months arrears of stipends.’’
The spokesman said the non-payment had subjected the ex-militants to untold hardship and `miserable’ Christmas celebration.
 “We also call on the National Security Adviser, Gen. Babagana Munguno, under whose office the amnesty programme is domiciled, to take steps to immediately effect the payments to avoid unnecessary hostility,” he said.
However, in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria earlier, Boroh assured the ex-militants of payment of the stipends, urging them not to be agitated by the delay.
“I am assuring all beneficiaries under the programme that arrangements are being made to fast-track the payment of their stipends as soon as the Amnesty Office receives its allocation,” Boroh had said.

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