Orientation Day: OOU Vice Chancellor addresses Newly admitted Students

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The Vice Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Prof. Saburi Adejimi and other Principal officer of the  University were all present at the Orientation Day for all Freshers, the VC delivered his key point note to the newly admitted 2016/2017 Students

NaijaVeteran who was present at the events noted out the VC points

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Here are some of his points:
-OOU to launch Campus browsing , stating it is not free for students more so the university will control students browsing so as not to distract their academic attention
-If anyone harass you, report to the Security unit or the DSA
-Girls should dress decently and must not expose their body, to the female who wear opened clothes
-Students ID Card to be given after Matriculation and must be worn
-Hostels to go for Evening library usage

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