OOU Registrar reads Students Code of Conduct, Rights, privileges, Obligation, Limitations to Freshers

        Mrs Omolara Osunsanya, the University registrar delivers her speech in the orientation programme for Freshers where she read out the OOU Students Code of Conduct, Rights, privileges,  Obligation, Limitations to Freshers

Students Rights includes:
- Receive tuition in the course for which you have paid and have been duly registered
- The right to be examined in accordance with the approved rules and regulations governing the award of degree or diploma
- Freedom of registered association within the University laws

-Use of the School name for recognition
-Use of university facilities to enhance the attainment of your ultimate objectives on Campus (such as Library, Laboratory)
- Be certified at the end of courses.
-Secure accommodation through the Students Affairs

- Observation of rules and regulations governing academic registration
- Respect and obedience to constituted Authorities of the university
- Proper treatment of school properties
-Abstinence from doing anything whatsoever that can bring the name of the university into disrepute
- Maintenance of decorum at every activity in the university
- Maintenance of studentship by duly paying the prescribed fees

- Using the name of the school for fraudulent transactions.
- University answers sheet and question paper must not be found in the possession of students outside examination hall.

Code of Conducts

- Comport yourselves decent
- Do not fight with any students
- Students should not insult or assault any university officers
- Healthy and decent Male and female relationship
- Possession and consumption of dangerous drugs are prohibited
- anyone caught Stealing will be handed over to the law enforcement agency
- Improper and indecent dressing is not allowed

Conclusion she said anyone who violate the codes of conduct will be dealt with

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