My Marriage Would Be A Shocking Breaking News – Bobrisky

Vanguard had a new revealing interview with him where Bob also explained he’s not a practicing Muslim because if he was one, he will have to do ablution five times a day and apply make-up after each ablution and that will be very stressful.. Please read: There has been many questions about your $exuality. I will like you to tell us in plain words if you are straight? I am very straight. People fail to understand that I am only using what I have to get what I need. One can use any logic to achieve his dream or put food on one’s table as long as you don’t kill or steal from others. I am into cosmetics and Nigerian ladies love cosmetics a lot. I am only doing something to make myself different from many others who are into this same business of mine just to get people’s attention. And thank God that I have more customers than you can imagine, though I receive many bad comments. There should be a form of evidence before you can call anyone G.ay. There is a law that frowns at G.ay marriage but I don’t think there is any law that says a man should be persecuted if he chooses to look like a girl. I am not impersonating, I only chose to have the shade of a girl. I am a guy and many people know I am a guy. I have said this many times even in a live chat that I am straight. I am only doing this to get more attention and customers. Anyway, they can choose to say anything they like. Some set of people still believe that you had a transgender operation and that is why you look more like a woman? I didn’t undergo any transgender operation. I only apply cream on my skin. If I had undergone such operation, I will have B.reasts. I have been like this from childhood. It is only my look that has changed and that is because of the cream which makes me fairer and my make-ups. Being a Yoruba man, how are your people taking this, especially your parents? My family understands my person and they know I would never hide anything away from them. My family are the only people I can trust because you can’t even trust your friends. They are comfortable with me and appreciate me a lot. My family know I am very straight. I am only trying to make money without depending on any of them. And as long as my family believes in me, I do not care.

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