The "mofema shase" boy as vow to study and not yahoo anymore. see details and pictures

Remember Segun, the little boy who swore in a video that he wants to be a yahoo boy? He has started a private school with the help of funds from people. The boy who already has an Instagram page with over 51k followers shared the post and wrote: “In the face of every obstacle, I survived without a bruise !
Because I don’t believe in IMPOSSIBLE
And that’s what get me through. Some months back I left the the public school I was attending because I felt I deserve a standard education without a penny and any hope of resuming in a better one ……I prayed and had faith !! Am so happy to announce to you all now that am now a student of qualified private school with the help of GOD and all the support have been getting from YOU ALL..
I now get picked and dropped by a school bus. Words can’t be enough to express how grateful I am !! To everybody that as been sending me funds so I could have a better life …may you all be favored before men and GOD #AMEN
thanks to @zlatan_ibile and @i_am_kakadu for all their endless efforts …..I will make you all proud walaitalai”

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